
How Can A Private Investigator Help You?

The truth is that a private investigator can help you solve any problem you may have. Private investigators are trained and skilled professionals who possess the knowledge, experience, and skills needed to help in any situation.

They can offer assistance and help you solve problems in areas such as:

1. Divorce

Divorce is one of the most stressful life events you can experience. The emotional turmoil that comes with divorce can make it difficult to focus on the important details of your case. You may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of having to deal with everything yourself.

A private investigator from Undercover Detectives will be able to help you gather evidence and conduct interviews, which will allow you to focus on other aspects of your divorce proceedings. This will give you peace of mind knowing that there is someone in your corner who has the skills needed to get the job done right!

There are two types of divorce: fault and no-fault. To obtain a fault divorce, one spouse must prove that the other spouse caused the breakdown of the marriage through adultery, abuse or abandonment. The other spouse must agree to a no-fault divorce, where neither spouse alleges fault for the marriage breakdown.

If both spouses agree on all issues related to their divorce, they can file for an uncontested divorce. This means that no further action is taken in court once their paperwork is filed. If one party disagrees on any issue raised in the petition, such as child custody or property settlement, then the case becomes contested when it goes before a judge who will decide what is fair based on evidence presented by both parties and their attorneys.

2. Investigative Services

Private investigators have the training and skills to conduct surveillance investigation, perform background investigations and locate missing persons. They can also review records for accuracy and verify statements made by others.

If you need to find out if your spouse is cheating on you or if your child custody case needs an extra boost of evidence, a private investigator can help.

3. Child Custody

Child custody cases are often emotionally charged. In some cases, one parent may try to discredit the other by making false accusations about the care of their children or their ability to provide financially for them. Your attorney can use a private investigator’s report to prove or disprove these claims.

If you are fighting for custody of your children after a divorce, there are many ways that a private investigator can help:

  • Checking into your spouse’s employment history and references
  • Finding out if your spouse has ever been physically or sexually abusive towards you or your children (or anyone else)
  • Researching any prior criminal convictions or lawsuits filed against him/her

4. Civil Litigation

Civil litigation is a broad category that includes a wide range of legal procedures. Civil lawsuits can be filed in state or federal court and have to do with disputes between parties where money damages are sought.

Civil litigation is an expensive process, and many people prefer to avoid it if possible. However, there are times when you may need the help of a private investigator to gather evidence for your case.

Here are some examples of civil litigation cases where a private investigator may be helpful:

Divorce cases. When spouses cannot reach an agreement on child custody, child support or spousal support, they will often hire attorneys to litigate these issues in court. Private investigators can help gather evidence that will be used in these cases such as photographs of the family home or evidence of drug use by one spouse.

Child custody cases. In custody disputes over dependent children, both parents often hire attorneys and experts to help them prove their case in court. Private investigators can help gather evidence such as photographs of the child’s living conditions, interviews with teachers and school counselors as well as medical records which will be used by attorneys to make their case before judges and juries during court proceedings on behalf

5. Intellectual Property Infringement

Intellectual property infringement is a serious issue. If you have a business that deals with intellectual property, or if you are an artist or writer who has had your work stolen, a private investigator can help you.

How does it work?

Intellectual property is basically any creation of the mind. You can copyright a book, patent an invention, trademark a logo or design and even trademark something like your name or image. A private investigator can help with any of these things.

As well as helping you to take action against people who use your intellectual property without permission, they can also help you to find out where they are selling it so that you can stop them selling it to others and prevent them from doing any further damage to your reputation as an artist or writer.

6. Commercial Litigation (Breach of Contract)

Many times, people do not want to go to court because they know that it will be costly and time consuming. However, if you have a case that is worth more than $10,000, then it is best to hire a private investigator to gather evidence for your case. Your attorney can use this evidence against the other party to win your case.

7. Personal Injury Lawsuits

If you have been injured due to negligence or carelessness on the part of another person or company, then you may be eligible for compensation for your damages and losses through a personal injury lawsuit. To win such a lawsuit, though, you must prove that someone else was responsible for causing your injury and that this person should therefore pay for it through litigation.

A private investigator can help you get all of this proof by gathering information from witnesses and from other sources like medical records and police reports.

8. Employment Discrimination/Harassment

Employment discrimination and harassment are two of the most common reasons private investigators are hired. Most employers understand that they have to follow the law when it comes to hiring and firing, but they may not know what they can or cannot do in terms of workplace harassment.

Many states have laws against discrimination and harassment in the workplace. These laws apply to race, sex, religion, disability and age, among other things. They also prohibit retaliation against anyone who files a complaint about discrimination or harassment.

The goal of these laws is to protect employees from being treated unfairly in the workplace because of their characteristics or beliefs. For example, it’s illegal for an employer to fire someone because they are pregnant or refuse to participate in religious activities at work. It’s also unlawful for an employer to harass an employee because of their race or gender identity.

9. Insurance Fraud/Workers’ Compensation Fraud

Insurance fraud is a serious crime that can have lasting consequences. If you believe that someone has committed insurance fraud, you should report it to the police. However, if you need help gathering evidence or conducting surveillance and are not sure of your legal rights as an informant, you may want to hire a private investigator (PI) for assistance.

A private investigator can gather evidence and provide testimony in court about insurance fraud schemes. For example, an insurance company may suspect that an employee injured on the job is receiving workers’ compensation benefits when he or she is not actually disabled. A PI could conduct surveillance on this individual, who might be attending church or volunteering at school despite supposedly being unable to work due to their injuries.

10. Cheating Spouse

If you suspect that your spouse may be cheating on you, it is important to take action as soon as possible if you want any chance of saving your relationship. A private investigator can help gather evidence that proves infidelity and gives you the proof needed to confront your spouse with their actions before it’s too late.

11. Identity Theft

Identity theft occurs when someone uses another person’s personal information without their permission for personal gain or financial gain. This type of identity theft can affect your credit score, finances, reputation and even national security if the thief tries to obtain fraudulent passports or Social Security numbers (SSN). With so much at stake, it is important to report this crime as soon as possible. A PI can help by gathering evidence against the thief so that he or she can be arrested


If you need the help of a private investigator, then it may be a good idea to let them know. They can’t read your mind, so they’ll have to ask questions to learn more about your case. By being honest and open with them, you’ll get a better outcome at the end of your case, which will benefit you in the end.

If a person you are investigating decides that they want to speak to you, then ask them for their side of the story. Keep an open mind and approach your case how it should be approached. This will go a long way toward getting information out of people, and if you don’t try this technique before hiring a PI than don’t expect results from them either.

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