AI in Marketing, Sales and Service

AI Eats the World
Artificial intelligence (AI) has catered for an immense leap in development in business practice. AI is also increasingly addressing administrative, dispositive and planning processes in marketing, sales and management on the way to the holistic algorithmic enterprise. Tis introductory deals with the motivation for and background behind the book: It is meant to build a bridge from AI technology and methodology to clear business scenarios and added values. It is to be considered as a transmission belt that translates the informatics into business language in the spirit of potentials and limitations. At the same time, technologies and methods in the scope of the chapters on the basics are explained in such a way that they are accessible even without having studied informatics—the book is regarded as a book for business practice.
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AI and the Fourth Industrial Revolution
If big data is the new oil, analytics is the combustion engine (Gartner 2015). Data is only of benefit to business if it is used accordingly and capitalized. Analytics and AI increasingly enable the smart use of data and the associated automation and optimization of functions and processes to gain advantages in efficiency and competition. AI is not another industrial revolution. This is a new step on the path of the universe. The last time we had a step of that significance was 3.5 billion years ago with the invention of life.More Movies Download from here 1Filmy4wap
AI Development: Hyper, Hyper…
If we take a look at business articles of the past 20 years, we notice that every year, there is always speak of the introduction of “constantly increasing dynamisation” or “shorter innovation and product cycles”—similar to the washing powder that washes whiter every year. It is thus understandable that with the much-quoted speed of digitalization, a certain degree of immunity against the subject has crept into one person or the other. HD movies download from Ssr Movies
AI as a Game Changer
In the early phases of the industrial revolutions, technological innovations replaced or relieved human muscle power. In the era of AI, our intellectual powers are now being simulated, multiplied and partially even substituted by digitalization and AI. This results in fully new scaling and multiplication effects for companies and economies.
Companies are developing increasingly strongly towards algorithmic enterprises in the digital ecosystems. And it is not about a technocratic or mechanistic understanding of algorithms, but about the design and optimization of the digital and analytical value added chain to achieve sustainable competitive advantages. Smart computer systems, on the one hand, can support decision-making processes in real time, but furthermore, big data and AI are capable of making decisions that today already exceed the quality of human decisions.More Info About rdxhd
AI for Business Practice
Literature on the subject of big data and AI is frequently very technical and informatics-focused. Tis book sees itself as a transmission belt that translates the language of business in the spirit of potentials and limitations. At the same time, the technologies and methods do not remain to be a black box. They are explained in the scope of the chapters on the basics in such a way that they are accessible even without having studied informatics.Please visit here for information about tamil movies mx player
Lastly Comment
The discussion on the subjects is very industry-oriented, especially in Germany. Industry 4.0, robotics and the Iota are the dominating topics. Teso-called customer facing functions and processes in the Felds of marketing, sales and service play a subordinate role in this. As the lever for achieving competitive advantages and increasing profitability is particularly high in these functions, this book has made it its business to highlight these areas in more detail and to illustrate the outstanding potential by numerous best practices.