
Cargo scooters Buy domestic and Chinese cargo scooters, sale of cargo scooters

It should, perhaps, briefly get acquainted with the models of scooters of non-standard, supernormal cubic capacity.

One of these models is a transport cargo scooter , designed to carry more passengers than a conventional medium-sized scooter.

Similar models were produced from time to time in small batches with an engine capacity of 200-750 cm3. The demand for them is small and also limited by certain operating conditions.

The cargo motorcycle has three wheels, and the rear-wheel drive is carried out, as in a car, through a differential . Some models of scooters have a closed, blind cabin, designed for three people (the driver is in the front, two passengers are in the back seat).

However, this does not yet give the right to classify such a design as a small car, since the frame and the general arrangement of the mechanisms represent a typical layout for a scooter. Such a motor scooter almost always carries a trailed two-wheeled van at the back. Two types of vans are produced: cargo and passenger.

A cargo van is just a light cart with high partitions made of duralumin rods. Usually it is intended for the transportation of livestock, oversized cargo, as well as vegetables and fruits. These vans are often used by farmers in rural areas etc.

A passenger van is usually designed for four people. Inside it has comfortable soft chairs. To have a general idea of ​​such a van, it is enough to compare it with a small four-seater bus. The only difference between them is that here more attention is paid to the all-round visibility from the cockpit.

The design of the van entirely made of organic glass is currently being developed. This option is very convenient for tourist trips.

There is another version of a similar van, designed for long trips. This is a kind of “cottage on wheels”. On long parking lots, the crew of a scooter moves here. Inside, all the necessary conditions for a normal “home” life of three people have been created. Reclining chairs are available. Individual toilet cabinets are mounted in the walls, as well as a small kitchen cabinet.

In the van, you can cook dinner with great convenience if you wish. The two-burner stove is powered by a special gas cylinder, which, at normal, average consumption, lasts for a month.

What are cargo bikes good for?

Bikes with a body have long earned recognition in various fields. Remember at least the legendary Ant model, which was used almost everywhere. But the development of motor vehicles has further increased the functionality of such scooters. Modern cargo bikes are suitable for:

  • Transportation of building materials.
  • Work in a warehouse, factory or enterprise.
  • Transportation of equipment or equipment.
  • Work in the country or in the countryside.
  • Arrangement of sites (landscape design).
  • Transportation of luggage.

The possibilities of mopeds with a body are really amazing. In fact, they are a universal technique that can compete even with small trucks. And this is not surprising, given the high carrying capacity and low cost of bikes.

Benefits of a cargo bike

The main advantage of motorcycles with a body is high functionality. Similar equipment can be found both at a large construction site and at a factory. And such popularity is due to a number of features of motorcycles, including:

  • Significant load capacity. Conventional motorcycles can withstand loads up to 300 kg. But specialized equipment can carry loads weighing 500 and even 800 kg.
  • Simple operation. Unlike classic bikes, cargo vehicles have a gearbox with reverse. This allows the moped to move both forward and backward.
  • Reinforced suspension. Motorcycle trucks are equipped with shock absorbers with coil springs and leaf spring suspension. It is these nodes that provide a high carrying capacity of transport. In addition, the system increases the resource of equipment up to 8-10 years.

Chinese cargo scooters.

In China, three-wheeled cargo vehicles are highly developed – the model range is constantly being updated, designs are being modernized, and innovative technologies are being introduced.

Modern Chinese scooters are much more technologically advanced than domestic technology in this segment, and they surpass it many times over in quality.

This is very disappointing considering the past merits and achievements of our country, but unfortunately there is no choice for the end buyer at the moment.

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