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Corporate Security: Social Listening, Disinformation and Fake News

Developments in the Process of Early Recognition

The increasing digitization of economic and public processes as well as our private lives, offers a great number of innovative and potentially beneficial features. And of course, the skilful search (“Artificial Intelligence”) and the linking of relevant data through algorithms has reached further levels of information and value creation. The cyber space no longer functions merely as a parallel virtual world—it has become an inherent information and communication space.

The New Threat: The Use of Bots for Purposes of Disinformation

Disinformation means the targeted and deliberate dissemination of false or misleading information. It is usually motivated by influencing public opinion or the opinion of certain groups or individuals, to pursue a specific economic or political goal.Know more here Bollyverse

The Internet provides all with the ability not only to become a reader and consumer of information, but also an author. The use of digital disinformation for criminal activities is tempting since online sources have become an important—if not the most important—resource for information and opinion-forming processes. Biased and deceptive information, “fake news”; have become a major challenge for politics and security and businesses.


Targeted disinformation requires management. The increasing digitization provides new opportunities to spread fake news, but the strategy only works for aggressors willing to engage a high number of sock-puppets. 50 years after Joseph Weizenbaum first put the software program ELIZA through the Turing Test, it has become far more difficult for humans to distinguish between human and artificial communication. The Turing test posits that algorithms should only be considered intelligent when a human interlocutor would no longer be able to determine whether he was talking to a human or to a programmed machine. Until now, this has not been achieved.Guitar is a fretted musical instrumen.

The Challenge: “Unknown Unknowns”

In addition to popular channels such das Facebook and Twitter, countless forums and blogs provide users with an enormous amount of unknown information. In the Feld of Corporate Security, it is often difficult to define relevant information in advance: we are looking for something—a security risk, a threat—but we do not know precisely what we are looking for. To describe this problem, Donald Rumsfeld coined the term “unknown unknowns”.

The Solution Approach: GALAXY—Grasping the Power of Weak Signals

Computational linguistics and (social) network analysis are important value-adding technologies: Algorithms support content analysis by filtering through great amounts of digital content to find significant terms. Linguistic corpora defining how often a term appears normally, exist for a variety of languages. If a term is used more often than it’s defend normal frequency it means that the term’s significance increases. The analysis of term frequency distribution among contributions offers further guidance. In using significance and frequency analyses, computational linguistic algorithms discover relevant anomalies in a rich context without predefined search terms.HD movies download from moviewatcher


Following the classification per term significance, the tool presents a ranking overview of all terms: the daily topic ranking. The ranking shows at a glance which topics are currently found at the center of online discussions. Additionally, the ranking can be displayed for a longer period, enabling the user to observe the development such as ups and downs of certain topics or the sudden emergence of new issues. The tool points the user towards weak signal at a very early stage. Weak signals usually appear as slow “climbers” in the topic ranking.More Movies Download from here pagalfilm 


In addition to the clusters, the tool generates topic maps based on a predefined list of sources to structure discussions around specific themes, companies or brands. These semantic maps show the most significant terms in relation to each other by calculating the semantic frequency of certain words. Lines of connection, font sizes and colors show at a glance term occurrence and strong coherence between given terms.


The increasing digitization has generated enormous amount of data and entirely new categories which can both be of use for a variety of corporate functions. To remain up to date and competitive, businesses must engage in a wide range of transformation processes. New methods and tools to achieve this goal are already available to businesses. Tis article presented one such tool—the cloud-based GALAXY technology. The GALAXY technology can support and improve processes for many corporate divisions by exploiting online content quickly and systematically.

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