Nutrition and Sports for Heart and Vascular Health

Cardiovascular disease is a common problem among people of all ages. But more and more often people in their 30s and 40s face it. Some because they lead a sedentary lifestyle, betting via a bookmaker or watching Netflix instead of working out, and others because they eat the wrong food.To avoid becoming a patient of a cardiologist, you can change your lifestyle and eating habits.
Unhealthy Foods for the Heart
- Chocolate milkshake is high in fat and kilocalories, and if fatty foods are eaten along with it, the harm increases. Dr. Julia Brittain’s research shows the drink can cause harmful changes in blood vessels and red blood cells.
- Sweet baked goods. This group includes: cookies, cakes, and muffins, etc.
- Alcohol. All alcoholic beverages are harmful to the body. For example, the most dangerous for the heart and blood vessels are: champagne, beer, sparkling wines.
- Pates and smoked sausages – these products contain high amounts of harmful fats.
- Red meat can reduce life expectancy and increase the risk of disease (including cardiovascular disease), according to research conducted by Harvard School of Public Health physiologists and doctor of medical sciences En Pan.
Symptoms of Heart and Vascular Problems
Our bodies indicate organ system problems through a number of signs. Possible symptoms of heart or vascular dysfunction include:
- Fever.
- Sweating.
- Headaches.
- Fatigue, weakness, malaise when the weather changes.
- Joint pains.
- Numbness, cold sensation in extremities.
- Changes in heartbeat rhythm – faster or slower.
- Frequent dizziness (when squatting or suddenly taking a vertical position).
If these conditions occur, it’s necessary to consult a doctor and further examination, which will help determine the exact origin of this or that symptom.
Sports and Exercise Having Cardiovascular Disease
A person with problems of the cardiovascular system is prohibited from intense strength training, but since sports are necessary to maintain the full functioning of the body, it’s required to choose a suitable exercise regimen.
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When choosing exercises, it’s important to take into account the individual characteristics of the person, his level of fitness and state of health.
During training, it’s necessary to closely monitor your own heartbeat and well-being. If the pulse rate rises above 140 beats per minute, you should stop the exercise, give the body a rest, and then switch to a lighter exercise.
It’s recommended to exercise with a trainer – and it’s desirable that he had experience of classes with people who have been diagnosed with this group of diseases.
Preventive Measures
- Getting rid of bad habits. Alcohol and smoking can lead not only to heart disease but also to diseases of the liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and other systems and organs.
- Maintaining physical activity. If you choose the stairs instead of the elevator, walk more often, or even do a 15-minute exercise in the morning, you can strengthen the entire body.
- Limiting salt intake. It’s recommended to consume up to 5 grams per day.
- Hypercholesterol diet. In the diet, the amount of fatty foods should be reduced, dominated by white lean meat, such as turkey and rabbit meat.
- A balanced diet rich in magnesium, calcium, and vitamins.
- Control of blood pressure.
How to Cook Food to Avoid Further Problems
The way food is processed affects the properties of the finished food. Here are the basic recommendations:
- Before cooking, remove fat from meat, in poultry – remove the skin.
- Methods of cooking: boiling, baking in the oven, foil, grilling. Vegetables are best eaten fresh.
- For cooking in a pan, you should use dishes with nonstick coating. To avoid the excessive amount of fat in the food, put the products on a heated surface, just oiled or add a little water to the frying pan.
- The amount of vegetable oil for 3-5 liters of soup should not exceed 1 tablespoon. Cook on vegetable broth, and only before removing from the stove, add chopped boiled meat.
- Refrigerate cooked food that may contain a lot of fat (e.g., roasted pork). Remove and discard any fat that solidifies on the surface.
You should avoid using spreads, mayonnaise, and coconut oil. Watch the fat content of dairy products.